WASHINGTON: What did the President know and when did he know it? The searching query that underscored the Watergate scandal is scorching Washington again after remarks by US President Joe Biden that he was never told that such a rapid collapse in Afghanistan was possible was contested by leaks claiming there were warnings and red flags galore that Taliban would overrun Kabul if the US left too quickly. Under attack for the botched withdrawal that has stranded thousands of Americans and Afghan cohorts in the strife-torn country, Biden is scheduled address the issue later on Friday, with vice-president Kamala Harris -- who is also under fire for being indifferent to the plight of women -- by his side.
Harris is scheduled to leave on an Asia trip, with stops in Singapore and Vietnam, later in the day, trailed by exhortation contained in a letter signed by 85 individuals and groups urging her to "take actions to protect Afghan women and girls and to address this unfolding human rights and humanitarian catastrophe."
Tags: Joe BidenKamala Harris under fire for Afghanistan fiasco

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