What is Hydrogen Fuel?
Hydrogen fuel refers to the use of hydrogen as a source of energy for various applications. It is considered a clean and sustainable fuel because when hydrogen is consumed, the only byproduct is water vapor, making it a zero-emission energy source.
Hydrogen fuel can be utilized in different ways:
Hydrogen Fuel Cells, Hydrogen Combustion, Chemical Reaction etc
The process of obtaining Hydrogen involves different methods:
Steam Methane Reforming, Electrolysis, Biomass Gasification etc
This colourless gas is given so many colourful terms.
Green hydrogen, blue hydrogen, brown hydrogen and even yellow hydrogen, turquoise hydrogen and pink hydrogen. They’re essentially colour codes, or nicknames, used within the energy industry to differentiate between the types of hydrogen.
Depending on the type of production used, different colour names are assigned to the hydrogen. But there is no universal naming convention and these colour definitions may change over time, and even between countries.
Hydrogen fuel is a versatile and clean energy source that has gained significant attention in recent years. Here are some key uses and benefits of hydrogen fuel:
Transportation: Hydrogen fuel can be used in fuel cell vehicles, where it reacts with oxygen from the air to produce electricity, powering the vehicle's motor.
Energy Storage: Hydrogen can be used as a means of storing excess renewable energy generated from sources like wind and solar power.
Power Generation: Hydrogen can be used in fuel cells to generate electricity for various applications.
Industrial Processes: Hydrogen is widely used in industrial processes, including petroleum refining, ammonia production, and methanol production.
Heat Generation: Hydrogen can be burned directly for heat generation in applications like residential heating, industrial processes, or power generation.
Aerospace: Hydrogen has been used as rocket fuel for decades. Its high energy density and efficient combustion make it an ideal propellant for space exploration.